I created this web-page as a blog outlet for my emotions and with the hoping possibility of helping others or just giving some entertainment by reading my stuff. Yes as the web-site is named, I'm an emo c: Wait! Don't go away...a lot of people see Emos as hopeless freaks who hate everyone and everything,but I don't! That's why I named this web-page 'HOPES and Emos'(Emotions...pun). Because I have hope in life,I enjoy what I can of it,and even tho Emos are not a*holes,no I am not an a*hole either! One of my goals in life is to always help others and bring happiness,no not with popularity. I am terrified of fame and I don't want to be a famous person... :'D
So...Welcome visitor! I don't care who you are,if you are an Emo with all hopes lost,a normal person,or someone like me...I hope checking out my web-page for a bit or stopping by regularly can help. Tho like with all people,I can have some negative emotions. Never on other people,just on myself. But... I WILL KEEP UP HOPE,AND ENCOURAGE IT!
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This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text. It will be replaced by the original. This is a demo text.